Our Supporters
It is only with your support that we are able to help Sivananda Rehabilitation Home, Balika Nilayam and other local charities to fulfill their missions. Thank you!
Gold ($1,000+)
Nataraj Anne
Nabiha Basathia
Renuka & Marc Dickason
Arthur & Jean D’Souza
David Pitrak
Prashant and Chitra Reddy
Prithvi & Vijayalaxmi Reddy
John Schneider
Silver ($500-999)
Rachna Amarnath
Maximo Brito
Ravindra & Hyma Kandula
Valli and B. Lavakumar
Kamini Reddy
Bronze ($100-$499)
Ellen & Robert Alexander
Geeta & Sri Nath Arora
Janet Briggs
Juan & Virginia Camps
Dr. & Mrs. Fernandes
Doris Green
Nik & Shilpa Kharva
Ellis Knight
Janardhan & Sai Rajalakshmi Lavakumar
Mallika Lavakumar
Amit Nigam
Ravi Pachigolla
Chi Phan & Matt Bauer
John Quinn
Anirudh & Deepika Reddy
Divya Reddy
Benigno Rodriguez
Heidi Sarna
Michelle Siu
Sridhar Sreenivasan
Gopal & Gayatri Yadavalli
Padma Yadavalli
Susan Willard
Hope Lutheran Church (Cleveland Heights, OH)
In addition, a big thank you to all of the other donors who we were not able to add to the website.
Supporters of SRH (India) include the Bill Clinton Foundation and HSBC. Please visit sivanandarehab.org for additional donors.
Please contact us immediately if you are a contributor and your name is not on one of these lists, or if you want your listing changed or removed. [email protected]